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Ridgefield ECDC

ECDC Places Downtown Map In Kiosk At Deborah Ann’s Sweet Shoppe

Updated: May 23, 2024

February 5, 2023 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

The Ridgefield Economic & Community Development Commission placed a two-foot-by-six-foot map of the downtown business district in the newly refurbished kiosk in front of Deborah Ann’s Sweet Shoppe, in its new location on Main Street.

The map covers the area from Keeler Tavern Museum & History Center to Ballard Park—listing businesses and other establishments. It also highlights available public parking. “Deborah Ann’s Sweet Shoppe is such a central location and attracts so many people—Ridgefielders and visitors,” says ECDC’s Geoffrey Morris. “It’s a great way to let people know all that the town has to offer, as it is not always obvious for people to appreciate the full bounty of offerings.”

The Economic & Community Development Commission is a nine-member, town-appointed commission whose mission is to implement orderly and planned economic development, in keeping with the character of the town. The ECDC seeks to involve all agencies, commissions, boards, and departments in the town that are involved in, or are affected by, economic development, as well as the residents of the town, in its work to promote economic development. ECDC’s chair is Glori Norwitt, and commissioners include Bob Knight, Sean Dowd, Jonathan Winn, Jennifer Gioffre, Kay Gelfman, Mark Riser, Brittny Howell, and Geoffrey Morris

The map was designed and produced by Maida Design, overseen by lead designer Marge Heminway of Ridgefield.

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