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Ridgefield ECDC

Ridgefield ECDC Business Share Group

Updated: May 23, 2024


Calling All Ridgefield Business Owners

The Ridgefield ECDC (Economic & Community Development Commission) is establishing a Ridgefield Business Share group so that we can hear first-hand from you the opportunities and barriers for your success as well as give you the opportunity to share and learn from other business owners. By listening to the needs and challenges of the business community, we can identify opportunities for growth and develop solutions that benefit everyone.

We will plan a regular cadence of share group sessions and will establish an agenda based on input from the business community. The plan would be to have the initial meetings via zoom to allow for ease of participation. As we evolve, we will also include in-person sessions for deeper connectivity. If this is something you would like to participate in please reach out to and we will be in touch with next steps.

The Economic & Community Development Commission is a nine-member, town-appointed commission whose mission is to implement orderly and planned economic development, in keeping with the character of the town. The ECDC seeks to involve all agencies, commissions, boards, and departments in the town that are involved in, or are affected by, economic development, as well as the residents of the town, in its work to promote economic development. ECDC’s chair is Glori Norwitt, and commissioners include Bob Knight, Sean Dowd, Jonathan Winn, Jennifer Gioffre, Kay Gelfman, Mark Riser, Brittny Howell, and Geoffrey Morris

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